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JIMMYCASE meets Urban Daddy

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JIMMYCASE meets Urban Daddy
Picture 002
Use of Sander for a smooth finish of wooden surfaces

While we do like to do things differently at Blue Wasabi, we still honor the traditional sushi making traditions and offer a comprehensive selection of these to our guests as well. How does charbroiled Filet Mignon, sauteed barbeque shrimp and macadamia crusted chicken sound? Liquid refreshment is also a focus at Blue Wasabi. Fabulous cocktail creations including a broad array of creative martinis, crafty cocktails and spritz style libations pair fabulously with the cuisine elevating the dining experience to an unparalleled gastronomic adventure. You join us not just for a meal but also for an experience, we strive to provide a fun, inviting and professional atmosphere where you look forward to spending time with us and enjoying a unique and truly memorable dining experience. Blue Wasabi — Where there are no strangers just friends that you have not met yet.

Hello world! – Coach Group Ecuador
Cuna del Angel | 21
Noticias - Cámara de Comercio Industria y Turismo de Ucayali - 55 años
Picture - Arrowaste

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